797 Victoria Road Victoria, PEI C0A 2G0


Revolutionizing Fish Health

The Onda Quality Control Testing Laboratory provides an extensive array of batch release services, adhering to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), CFIA Veterinary Biologics and USDA-APHIS standards. These services encompass a broad spectrum of activities, including safety and potency testing in aquatic species through in vivo methods, as well as molecular testing via PCR, gel electrophoresis, and ELISA methodologies in vitro.


Batch Safety Testing​

GMP Aquatic Biologics including Vaccines
USDA-APHIS Aquatic Biologics including Vaccines
CFIA Aquatic Biologics including Vaccines
Autogenous Vaccines

Batch Potency Testing

GMP Aquatic Biologics including Vaccines
CFIA Aquatic Biologics including Vaccines
USDA-APHIS Aquatic Biologics including Vaccines

Bacterial Confirmatory Loss Testing

In Vitro Molecular Methodologies​

ELISA GMP Antibody Free Testing
ELISA Potency Testing
PCR & Gel Electrophoresis Viral Confirmatory Loss Testing

Good Manufacturing Practices

Onda maintain compliance to the EudraLex GMP Guidelines as these pertain to Quality Control

GMP is designed to ensure products are consistently produced and controlled to meet the quality and safety standards required for their intended use.

CFIA Vet Biologics & USDA-APHIS

CFIA & USDA Quality Control Testing piggybacks off the GMPs, utilizing the same programs that mitigate the risks associated with final market release while maintaining compliance to the Health of Animals Act and the 9CFR.

In Vitro Methodologies

Testing methodologies often involve a component of, or can be solely based on, molecular testing.


Onda molecular testing equipment and assays maintain compliance to the GMP computer system Annex 11 and assay validation requirements.

Testing Methods and Challenge Isolates

The client owns the testing methodologies, and our Quality Control team validates them in accordance with the specific requirements of the client.

The Quality Control laboratory uses challenge seed banks that are under the ownership of the client. Onda holds approvals for the utilization of a wide range of aquatic and zoonotic pathogens, encompassing bacteria, intracellular bacteria, and viruses.

Challenge banks are housed in an alarmed ultra low freezer that have undergone GMP qualification.

All effluent water and waste are thoroughly decontaminated prior to discharge.

Onda also specialize in providing comprehensive support for the development of both in vivo and in vitro methods.


Good Manufacturing Practices

EU GMP Certification - Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (LAVES)

Client Specific as Needed


CFIA Veterinary Biologics Facility License

Compliance to the Health of Animals Act

CFIA AQC1 Containment Standard

CFIA AQC2 Containment Standard

CFIA AQC3 Containment Standard

PHAC CL2 Containment Standard

CCAC Good Animal Practice Certification


USDA-APHIS compliant

Facility Licensing is Client Specific


Atlantic Salmon in a variety of sizes are kept in stock year round. Other species are brought in as needed.

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